Your Recruiter and You

A relationship which can last a lifetime

If you are a smart and ambitious hotelier, even in the early stages of your career a good relationship with your recruitment firm and their individual recruiters is of fundamental importance. Not only for yourself but also for your recruiter. This relationship you are about to built is not just transactional but a professional and human based relationship. In the hotel industry or in life, we always meet twice. In good times and in not so good times.  And working with a good recruitment company and even a superior recruiter can be very beneficial to your career.

Even if you switch companies, the relationship with your recruitment firm will last most likely throughout your entire career. You can be a great human resource for the recruitment company but you could also be – at a later point in your career- become a client. International recruitment firms know this and have a keen eye for developing talent and young hotelier, who have good potential . You will be of interest to the recruiter from the time on you are either an assistant department head or a department head. 

Getting to know the people in a recruitment firm is easy and I have written about in an earlier blog. You can do this all yourself, however I know from my own experience, that an introduction  by your hotel General Manager ( as long he knows the recruiter personally) can go a long way. I was introduced to Steven Renard, (Renard International) Rainer Hermann (Vista International) or Bernd Wosgien (ESI) at an early point in my career. Later I also met others, like Sam Saker of CHA or Guy Teerlinck of HES Global. All the above are well established and international hospitality recruitment firms with a high level of integrity. You should make an attempt to reach out and meet the above individuals or their teams sooner or later in your career.  CHA is no longer part of this illustrious group.

They can make a difference in your life. Believe me. However, you can do too make a difference in their firms: either as a candidate whom they can recommend or as a future client once you are in the position to obtain the assistance of a search firm.  Now let me explain how you can become a preferred candidate and potentially get the opportunity to accelerate your career with the help of a preferred recruiter or recruitment company. 

  1. You need to be a “Performer” ! This means, you have to be on top of your game in your respective hotel , be it in terms of skill and know how and of course also in terms of your developing ability to manage people. 
  2. You have to find a way to be in contact with the recruitment firm and one recruiter on a regular basis, which can be done easily simply thru using LInkedIn and following the respective recruiter or company on social media. Basically, make regular contact and just say “Hello”, give also an update on an award or an upcoming promotion. Important is, that the recruiter slowly gets to know you as a person and as a professional. 
  3. The recruiter sooner or later will want to know what kind of person you are, your character, your professional ambition, your strength, special skills but also your weaknesses. 
  4. Do not expect the recruiter to know everything about you and to remember every detail. Alone that he remembers your name and can put a face, company and position to it will help a great deal. Don´t forget, the relationship will develop over time, not weeks or months but years.
  5. As time moves on share your ambition, successes, advancements, promotions and so on. All good reasons to stay in touch. Find out the recruiters interests, eventually the companies he or she are working with preferably but be sensitive here. It is mostly confidential territory, but sometimes, if you have a good wire, you will get hints and sooner than later, you will get a call – or even a visit – as it happened to me years ago when a specific offer could be made to you. 
  6. When that moment arrives – and depending on your circumstances you should consult with your mentor. If you do not have one – reach out to the career hotelier (unbiased, objective and with your progress in mind we will help you coming to the right decision). 
  7. Once you have developed a good working relationship with your preferred recruiter there will be opportunities, when he or she will call you, ask about your availability and willingness to make a move. If you are good in your job and understand to communicate this professionally, in your LInkedIn profile and your resume, these potential calls will come more often than you might expect. 
  8. It is further important, that you decide for yourself, in which part of the world You like to work and while it has clear advantages to work on assignment on different countries and even continents, I tell you from my personal experience, that you will make the right decision to set certain geographical limits to where you want to work for an extended period of time. Let your recruiter know about your geographical preferences. There are ot set in stone but it may help a great deal. Ultimately you do not want to be caught of guard with a tempting offer and forget about your previously set criteria.

Whenever this call comes, it does in most cases represent a real opportunity and you will be have to make a substantially difficult decision between status quo and new opportunity. My personal belief is, that there are no wrong decisions but you need to accept the consequences of the decisions you make.  With the guidance of a good mentor you will be able to evaluate those potential consequences much better and with good foresight. 

With regards to your preferred recruitment company and recruiter, you are well advised to choose company and individual based on your personal opinion and chemistry. There are times when you meet your recruiter during a trade fair when you can ask him or her for a professional opinion: on the format of your resume, or what the right course of your career could be. 

The recruiters I have mentioned earlier have an excellent global network and might have heard about you from other sources. There is no firm rule for how to take advantage of your professional relationship but if you play your cards right you might get some interesting information. The hotel recruitment industry is a small and private group of very skilled people. And they have substantial access to personal information of top hoteliers around the globe. Good information will help you to prepare for certain situations or opportunities well in advance.  Often, when they happen it will include a company change or a geographical move to another continent. A move from a good company you are working with into a company which belongs to a private owner operating his hotel under a franchise agreement. Or a move into a superior company, however at a lower level first. Many scenarios are possible. Keep in mind: do not always follow the money and think about your own vision and plan for the long term.

I have only scratched the surface on this subject. If you want to know more I invite you to write to me with your question on my contact form. I know you will use the above for your advantage and make the best out of it. Have a great career week and make sure, you feel good about yourself. 

Helmut H Meckelburg

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