There is no doubt in my mind, that your career has been affected by this virus. Actually, I did not want to write about Corona at all. So many discussions, news and reports are bombarding You almost daily. Those who want to listen will find much information. Those who want to be scared, will be. Those who keep a cool and analytical mind will get the right information and draw their own conclusions and consequences. They will take time to make adjustments in their career plan, update their resumes and CVs but also prepare their hotel, their team and department for all eventualities. The next pandemic will come and when it comes it will come fast and furious. So preparing yourself and your department or hotel is a MUST.
As for myself, I check the numbers daily at ““. Based on the daily changing numbers there have been until today , July 9, 2020 a total of 12.2 Million cases worldwide. 7.1 Million have recovered and until today there have been 552.517 death cases or 7 ppm (parts per million). These numbers are changing daily and if You are a critical person – (you should be) – you will come to your own conclusions – politically but also career-wise. By the way – USA has a death rate of 4ppm which is -surprisingly- below the global average death rate. Based on the reporting by the media I had expected the rates to be much higher.
No other pandemic like the Bird Flue, Swine Flue or Saars had such an impact. No previous one changed our working- and living environments in so many ways. No other pandemic had shown us how efficient global governments can be in rolling out legislations to control the spread of a disease and how easy it has been for many governments to successfully change our lifes and take many of our liberties which are only slowly coming back to us. I do not want to become political here, but I only urge You to keep your eyes and ears open, where ever You are or will be.
I wonder, how many people have not only lost their jobs but are experiencing personal and financial trauma because of the shutdown of the global economy. We do not hear much about it and I wonder, why not. At least, I did not hear that any politician worldwide has received a cut in salary or has been working short-time with few exceptions.
Obviously politicians don´t like to talk about it and few media is reporting on it. Just ask Yourself. What has been- and is the true impact of this pandemic on your career and lifestyle ? How many of you have been working short time or have completely lost the job or full time employment. How many have been forced to return to the home-country until being called back. (if You are lucky to be called back).
If You still have your work, You belong to the lucky ones. If not, You have few choices. Either You sit tight and wait to be called back or You take advantage of this time and do the following:
1. Update Your Resume , CV and your LinkedIn Profile .
2. You stay in touch with your company and research weekly, if and when You will go back to work. Hopefully, with the restrictions slowly relaxing in Germany, Austria and some other European countries You probably belong to this group.
3. Start on applying for carefully selected jobs which are in the Job Boards and stay in touch with your personal recruitment firm.
4. Inform your personal network on Your situation and do not feel bad or embarrassed. There are many out there in worst condition than You might be in, especially those with family and little savings. I have had many colleagues contacting and calling me, if I could help. (In some cases I could, in most I could not).
This virus has changed the game in a way, many did not foresee or expect. But let me be outspoken and direct. There will be “Black Swans” during your career and life and a good career plan will help You to be prepared. Losing a job is part of the game. I do not know many hoteliers who did not lose their jobs at least once during their careers. Not because of a virus but for other reasons which I will be disussing another time. Trust me, loosing a job is not the end of the world when You are younger and without family. Important is , that You are prepared for it and that You have a constructive mindset. This is actually very important: You need to have to arm Yourself with a mindset which will help You to overcome any crisis. The right mindset is your biggest strength in bad times. It is easy to have a good mindset when everything around You is going well. It is not so easy when things are not going wrong; when a virus strikes, an earthquake, a terrorist attack or simply if someone else is chosen for a promotion and not You; when You fall victim to an accident or disease or when You are “fired”. Trust me, I myself know the meaning of it. I have been on both sides. It is one of the reasons why I started HCC.
So, Corona is slowly coming down. The impact it has left will last and not go away and You know what to expect when the next Pandemic strikes. It will probably be worst than the one which is ending. Important for You is to be prepared and ready for it. Observe your personal emergency kits and include face masks, rubber gloves to the already existing home pharmacy in your house. If Your are in a managerial position I am sure, that Your company has already taken action and issued new policies, procedures and minimum requirements for potentially new outbreaks. If not, it would be a good idea for You to bring this up or even work out a plan for your company.
I always like to refer to the career as a journey and during a journey lots of things can go wrong. And they are almost always not in your control ! Please keep this in mind on your journey and if You need help or advise You are welcome to contact me. I am writing this Blog not for myself but for You; to give advice freely from my international “Buffet of Hoteliering Experiences” of 40 years on 4 Continents. I have faced many challenging situations and am here to assist and if necessary to be also your Mentor and Guide.
Suscribe to my blog or just register. I will not bombard You with information and only post subjects which You can easily digest and will help You on your way to a fullfilling and rewarding career.