It was a hot summer day in New York City. I had arrived in the “Big Apple” a few months earlier and was walking on Madisson Avenue exploring the city. Along the street side there were garbage cans lined up to be emptied and even though, I did not really pay any attention to them, one caught my eye. This garbage can was filled up with books as far as I could tell. I love books and I could not understand, that someone would just throw them into a garbage can. Anyway, I stopped and began to scan through the pile of books sticking out of the can. One of the books caught my eye; it was already damaged and it looked old, very old. I took it out and began to scan through some of the pages. The title enticed me. To think and grow rich seemed to be an interesting subject. “Who does not want to grow rich”, I thought – and it is for free…” So I took it out of the garbage can , put it into my attaché case (these were the 1980ties) and professionals in New York would carry an “attaché case” as sign of their professionalism. A few days later, I began to read it. The language was strange and rather difficult. Clearly, this book had been written at least 40-50 years earlier and the print edition dated 1961 as the publishing date. It took me almost 2 weeks to finish it, even though it had only 200 some pages. On one side the message was cristal clear: only with the power of the mind and thru the right thinking one could become rich with an idea, a burning desire, a plan and and and…. On the other side, the many set of instructions provided as to what one has to do in order to gain the riches one aspired to obtain, there were many rules and conditions one had to apply. Bottom-line, I did not have the patience to complete reading it a second time and “Think and grow rich” went into the book shelve. The years went by and from time to time, I took the book into my hands and re-read small sections in this book. Especially the chapters with the “Burning Desire” and the “Decisive Plan”. Other books I read, one especially, Anthony Robbins “Awaken the giant within” and I could not help myself but being clearly reminded, that the modern books were simply a different and maybe more elaborate replay of “Think and grow rich”. As a matter of fact, it was indeed. Later I found out, that Anthony Robbins referred to Napoleon Hill, the author of “Think and grow rich” as his “Hero”.
I have read many self improvement books in my life and most of them are good books, indeed. However, if You want to save time and also effort, buy yourself a good copy of this book. Invest into a good printed edition. No e-book. Once you get it, read it. The point I am trying to make, this book is very special. It is somewhat difficult to read however it is the perfect guide book for you , your ambitions, your career and ultimately your life. As I said before, there are many different self improvement books with a more modern language and probably more text. However “Think and grow rich” has all the information you need to become successful. You will need to read it again and again. The content well organized and it will take time for you to get an emotional understanding of the book, which You only obtain by re-reading it. From a certain point on, the book will evolve into a mirror of yourself, you will become aware of your own strength and weaknesses and you will recognize, not only what you truly want, but if you have enough reasons, why you want it and if you are committed to pay the prize to achieve what you want. Treasure this book and you will not need any other book to get you started to develop a plan for your life and career. The book, I took out of the garbage can on Madisson Avenue in New York City is on my desk, no longer in the book shelve. I have read it numerous times and still resort back to it again and again. It has motivated me numerous times and it has also shown me certain limits I have within me. If you truly are ambitious and want to make your mark in life, whatever field you are in, this book is a “MUST HAVE” and “MUST READ”
You are at the beginning of your career – and life voyage. You are not exactly sure how to go about it. I do not know if You have already prepared your career plan or not. If you are just beginning to plan your journey, a career plan is just one piece of the career puzzle. In order to solve it in the best possible way for yourself, you will need guidance. Some guidance comes thru books, other guidance comes through coaches and finally there are mentors, who sincerely take a very personal interest in your growths. A mentor – client relationship lasts years, if not decades. A good mentor is someone who will show you the ways, provide direction, psychological and sometimes emotional support when times are challenging. And there will be challenges. I would be lying to you , if I would not point out that an airplane takes off against the wind, not with it. Actually, this is a quote from Henry Ford who minced these words.
Napoleon Hill´s “THINK AND GROW RICH” , the ULTIMATE CLASSIC. I call it the “Grandfather” of all Self Improvement books. It describes in detail the core principles of how to find out what You really want and how to achieve it. The book, written almost 100 years ago has not lost any of the importance and has been re-edited and reprocessed in other more modern self-improvement books. Why I recommend Napoleon HIll to be read first is simple. It is very structured and compact and provides a detailed yet holistic overview of how to plan, not only your career but your entire life. Given, that the language in the book is very direct and old fashioned should not bother you. The message stands loud and clear and following his instructions and planning guide will guaranteed and definite results in your life. The book shows you the various doors, you will have to open and walk through. It shows you the planning process and what to pay attention to. It will carefully introduce you to the subject of “MINDSET” not just positive thinking. To sum it up: “Think and grow rich” is hardcore self-finding, self-improvement and self-goal setting. No soft talk. This is the reason why I recommend to you to begin with it. When you purchase it, you should go for the more costly and more elegant print version. If you are what I hope you are, you will know this is an investment into your future life. And you don’t want to begin by being cheap. Give yourself the best. You deserve it.
One final comment: If you are a Millennial or even Gen-Z generation, you might not agree with the straight forward talk. Keep in mind, this book was written during the recession, the economical dark days in America. The tone then was different and there was no such thing as political correctness. As I mentioned earlier. This is hardcore self-improvement. No soft talk.
I hope, I have been able to connect with You. If you ever have a career question, just sent me a mail. I wish You great progress in your ambitions and career !