In today’s job market, the importance of a well-crafted resume cannot be overstated. Unfortunately, many hoteliers miss out on valuable opportunities simply because they fail to grasp the significance of this essential document. They apply on job portals or directly with companies posting job opportunities and special positions on their websites, without even getting a reply. This can be attributed to various factors that underscore the need for a deeper understanding and appreciation of the pivotal role resumes play in the hiring process.
Firstly, job seekers in the hotel industry often lack insight into the true purpose and significance of a resume. Instead of recognizing it as a powerful marketing tool to showcase their skills, accomplishments, and suitability for a role, many perceive it as a mundane document merely outlining their work history and education. This narrow perception severely limits a resume’s potential to capture employers’ attention and secure coveted interview invitations. (In the photo below you find a reasonably good resume format and writing directions for a line or supervisory position posted by LInkedIn Learning).
Moreover, despite significant changes in the job market over the past two decades, many hoteliers seeking new opportunities worldwide have failed to update their skills in resume writing. The absence of proper learning exacerbates the problem. While access to online seminars, webinars, and free information abounds, many job seekers do not take advantage of these resources, often to their detriment. As a mentor but also resume writer for my clients, I can attest that a majority of young hoteliers need to pay more attention to the impact of a compelling resume and allocate their time and, in some cases, resources elsewhere in the job search process.
Furthermore, job seekers frequently overlook the sheer level of competition in today’s job market. With countless applicants vying for limited positions, a generic or poorly constructed resume simply won’t cut it. Yet, many candidates continue to prioritize networking, job applications, or interview preparation, oblivious to the fact that a strong resume is often the initial deciding factor in securing a job.
Compounding this issue is the reluctance of some job seekers to effectively highlight their accomplishments and strengths. This is especially prevalent in all service-related professions like health, tourism, and hospitality, where humility may overshadow achievements. As a result, resumes often fail to captivate hiring managers’ attention.
Lastly, the perceived complexity of resume writing deters many job seekers from investing the necessary time and effort into crafting a standout document. Instead of embracing modern resume formats and best practices, they cling to outdated templates from parents or colleagues, oblivious to the evolving landscape of resume writing. Yet, there are countless sites featuring good to high quality resume templates and provide instruction how to provide the necessary information. What they do not provide however is the content you have to formulate and write in a way, which is impressive to read and promotes your abilities and achievements in a subtle and professional manner. The resume below features more format than content and while it looks first professionally and interesting it does not provide sufficient space for an accomplished hotelier. It is a reasonable format for a Beginner, but due to its focus on complex design features, it misses the actual message for the applicant. Most crucial: it is hard even for an experienced recruiter to simply read from left to right. It is a popular format, yet not very successful.
In essence, job seekers’ failure to recognize the importance of resume excellence in the modern job market is a critical oversight that often leads to missed opportunities and dashed career aspirations. To counter this trend, job seekers must acknowledge the pivotal role of a well-crafted resume and take proactive steps to leverage this essential tool in their job search endeavors.
As countless candidates and applicants contemplate their options, it’s crucial to recognize that investing in a professionally crafted resume is an investment in their career trajectory. While some may opt to master resume writing themselves through self-study, online courses, or seminars, this approach requires a significant time commitment and may not yield optimal results without expert guidance. I can recommend you some of the best providers of such products, but their courses start at US$ 500.– and you will have to do the work yourself. Alternatively, outsourcing resume writing to a trained and skilled professional offers a streamlined solution, ensuring that the resume effectively showcases the candidate’s strengths and maximizes their chances of success.
Understanding the differences between average, good, and excellent resume writers can help job seekers’ making informed decisions. While average writers offer a basic service at a lower cost, good and excellent resume writers provide increasingly personalized, high-quality resumes at higher prices, reflecting the time and effort invested in their work. Average resume writers typically charge lower fees, ranging from $50 to $200 per resume. Good resume writers may charge between $200 to $500 per resume, offering additional services such as cover letter writing and LinkedIn profile optimization. Excellent resume writers, commanding premium fees ranging from $500 to $2000 or more per resume, provide exceptional expertise and customization tailored to the individual’s career goals and aspirations. The resume coverletter below is from Etsy. It looks most impressive and the price is rediculously low. So low, that I actually purchased it and tried it out. The product was not, what I had expected, rather a building block software, which took quite some time to get used to. I actually filed it away and write resumes for my clients based on simple and timeless formats. It is true, that the format is important, but more important is the content.
In summary, the difference between average and excellent resume writers lies in their understanding, approach, craftsmanship, and time invested in crafting resumes. Investing in a skilled resume writer can significantly impact a job seeker’s career trajectory, opening doors to new opportunities and advancing their professional goals. While these price tags may seem steep, considering the potential return on investment, especially compared to the time and effort of a DIY approach, underscores the value of professional resume writing services.
It is crucial to understand that carrying a flawlessly written resume can have a powerful side effect during an interview. As a candidate, knowing that your resume is without fail and that you were selected based on it, can significantly boost confidence. This newfound confidence can carry over into the interview process, where the decision to hire you is based on various parameters. However, it’s essential to remember that a perfect resume is just the first step in securing the job.
However if You consider yourself to be a good writer and want to built your resume yourself, here is one of the better websites, which I support. I am not an affiliate, nor do I get any commissions. The variety of good templates is simply outstanding. Here is the link:; I wish You lots of success!
Helmut H Meckelburg